
How would you rank the quality of the work provided?
If you ranked the quality of the work provided less than a 5 out of 5 can you suggest or recommend what we could do better?
How professional is our staff?
If you ranked the professionalism of our staff less than a 5 out of 5 can you suggest or recommend what we could do better?
How professional is our company?
If you ranked the professionalism of the company less than a 5 out of 5 can you suggest or recommend what we could do better?
Maybe you find that although our company is professional to deal with you have a difficult time being heard or getting your concern across. How would you rank our customer service?
If you ranked the quality of the work provided less than a 5 out of 5 can you suggest or recommend what we could do better?
How likely would you be to continue doing business with The Estates Yard Care give then opportunity to choose?
If you choose anything less than very likely please let us know what your reasoning is and what, if anything, we can do to change your mind.
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